Cabrinha's Global Family - Rider Spotlight - Giacomo Zaffonato
Meet Giacomo Zaffonato, a passionate kitesurfer whose journey began at just ten years old - inspired by watching his dad kitesurfing and riding waves:
"What, as well as watching your Dad kitesurfing, drew you to the sport?
I marveled at how the kites flew in the sky and how the boards glided through the waves, so I decided to try it out myself and I fell in love with it.

Where is your favourite kitesurfing spot?
Sottomarina, Italy because the conditions there are very strong.
What’s your go-to song when you’re getting ready to hit the water?
THE SCOTTS from Travis Scott because it really hypes me up and gets me ready to start my session.

What is your Cabrinha riding setup?
My favorite set-up is: 7 MotoX Design Works and Vapor Apex. I like this kite because, it has a very rigid structure and shape that allows it to perform precise movements, jump high and loop well. Additionally, it sustains well when landing, the loops are tight and maintain a constant pull. The board has a very strong hold on the water, allowing for good pops and soft landings.

What are your goals for 2025?
My goal for 2025 is to train more, in order to reach a higher level and have new opportunities.
What does 'Live Free Ride Free' mean to you?
“Live free ride free” is not just a motto for me, it’s a lifestyle. Riding makes me feel free, it lets me push my limits and allows me to meet lots of new people and experience different cultures."

With an unwavering passion for kitesurfing and a dedication to pushing boundaries, Giacomo is undoubtedly poised to achieve great things!